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Author-Author? or Author-Entrepreneur? Managing your mindset.

By: Elizabeth A. Miles, March Forth Media

The editing is complete and the cover looks amazing.

You did it! You finished writing your book.

You have a message or story to share with the world, but now that the book is out there, now what?

There are different options, all requiring a different strategy. To understand which option, though, requires an understanding of your mindset, clarity of the message, and your intention for writing.

  • Do you want to write for the pure enjoyment of the process?

  • Do you want to incorporate your writing into your business?

  • Do you want to make writing a full-time career?

Regardless of your intention, the first mindset shift I encourage authors to make is this….now that you have a published wor

k out there, if you have the desire to sell your work, then recognize that you are now running a business.

Take a deep breath. It’s going to be okay - I promise.

With this understanding, then you can start to look at your goals and strategize accordingly.

Some authors will only publish one book, and intend to generate income entirely from their book sales and royalties. Other authors use their books to generate leads for other products or services they offer. Neither is “right” or “better” - they are different, and with this understanding, you as an author need to think about what you want from your writing. That guides your next actions.

You have come up with an idea, and written your book. You sourced help in the form of editing, artists, maybe beta readers. You are going through the sales process by selling to other authors, readers, independent bookstores, or trying to navigate the world of selling on Amazon. These are similar in form and function from any business out there - ideas, testing, getting ideas to market, and selling.

This does not mean you need to be absolutely comfortable with the language of business, and it’s okay to ask for help in the areas you feel are needed. After all, great leaders know their weaknesses just as much as their strengths, and know how to find the resources they need to achieve goals. And you, as the author of your book, know how you want your work to be portrayed. This puts you in the perfect position to run your business. You get to hand pick the help you bring in, making sure that yo

u find people who align with your vision and message.

“But wait, Elizabeth...I am not an entrepreneur...that’s too risky! I just want to sell my books.”

I hear ya!

One of the hardest parts for any business owner is wrapping your head around the risk factor, and recognizing that starting a business is risky. You are is, but no more or less risky than publishing the book itself. If you listen to our podcast you might have heard me say this already, but publishing a book is like serving a piece of your soul on a platter for the world to read. THAT is my idea of risk!

So, pat yourself on the back and celebr

ate! You are now a published author. Now it’s time to roll up your sleeves and get that message to the masses. Think about your marketing message, and who needs to hear it. You wrote your book for a reason. Let those who need to read it, find it!

More business and marketing to come! Sta

y tuned. In the meantime, tell me: what have been your biggest challenges as an author?

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And don’t forget to follow along in the conversation on social media!

Listen to The Power to Pivot Podcast on Anchor! -

To your journey, march forth!

~ Elizabeth

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